Dimension Tables

The primary use of Dimension Tables is to store the dimension parameters of the components, so that the part size information in CADMATIC corresponds with the relevant standards specifications. Dimensions are specified for certain types of Plant Modeller objects: piping parts, standard components, beams, duct parts, and cable tray parts.

Dimension Tables are also used to describe manufacturing processes (such as the parameters of a bending machine; see Bending machine dimension tables), to list the extra materials such as bolts and nuts that are needed in flanged connections (see Flanged connections), to define duct profile types, and to define cross-sections of standard profiles.

Each Dimension Table describes the parameters of a specific kind of part, and the table can be linked to the geometric GDL model as well as to the isometric drawing symbol of the part. Several Dimension Table objects can refer to the same GDL object. In the case of a primitive shape such as a cylinder or cone, the Dimension Table may simply refer to an internal shape definition.

All the information in a given Dimension Table can be defined manually via the Dimension Table Edit dialog. Alternatively, existing Dimension Tables can be updated using Microsoft Excel as the editor: in the CADMATIC desktop, select Object > Tools > Run DM Tools and then Dimension table Excel tool, and open the Dimension Table that you want to edit.

Also, Catalog Parts and their Dimension Tables can be created via Excel import, as described in Creating catalog parts by import from Excel.